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What are the mandatory requirements for a qualified private bodyguard?

Nowadays, it seems that anyone who takes a two-week course in a classroom or abandoned parking lot calls himself a CPO (commonly known as bodyguard) or a senior protection expert. Ace shield bodyguard company receives a large number of resumes every day. Unfortunately, the information contained in these resumes usually focuses on hard skills rather than soft skills, and a large or insignificant focus is on firearms courses and martial arts experience. Don't get me wrong. A bodyguard who can handle himself well is the most important, just like physical quality, But fighting and weapons enthusiasts are more deterrent to many potential employers because they believe that potential employees are more offensive than defensive. Defensive behavior can break the negative cycle / situation if you remain calm and calm. One's offensive behavior is the root of the negative cycle, including pressure, tension and excitement between the two sides. The fact that customers actually need pure muscles (promoters) at any time means that someone doesn't use their brain to work in the first place. If you only think the industry is about lifting weights, being big and carrying guns, this person may be you. A successful bodyguard will spend most of his or her time and energy predicting potential problems rather than looking for or causing them. Bodyguards try to protect the personal safety of customers, whether well-known customers or business owners, by preparing for every possible situation. If bodyguards do not understand the importance of these important soft skills and mandatory personal characteristics, the time spent in the gym is worthless· The ability to avoid and divert confrontation. If your energy and attention are focused on physical confrontation with threats, your client may not be protected by others· Work in advance, know where the customer is visiting, know the emergency exit, know the site / location, safety supervisor or manager, and plan the route· Be able to clearly follow instructions and communicate clearly, politely and concretely· Pay attention to details and always plan and think in advance· Be able to "integrate" with others, so as to reduce attention to yourself and customers· "Caution" means that don't share any personal information about your customers with anyone (including photos on cars you don't own or on private planes where you won't sleep most of the journey) is not impressive. In my 18 bodyguard career, I have only been exposed to threats once. This is the bodyguard method and execution protection method. The bodyguard method uses your body first, and then your head. In performing protection, 98% is done with your head and your mouth. Personality, professionalism and prudence are the meaning of all this. Protective security is a defensive work. Bodyguards must assess potential threats and extract subjects from any situation they consider dangerous. They first conduct research, check where they are visiting and understand what the main plan is to do there. For example, whether it's a business trip or a family vacation, is privacy the most important or the most important? What defines specialty· Always on time (at least 15 to 30 minutes in advance)· Dress neatly and appropriately (this is the key. For example, I saw bodyguards of a bodyguard company wearing suits, including ties and sunglasses at 50 degrees}. · fully understand and implement "situational awareness" · don't dress like the customer. · always maintain the highest standard of personal hygiene. · be smart and diplomatic. · maintain a calm and confident temperament. · remember that you are an administrative protector, not a servant. · integrate and remain anonymous (depending on the task). · if you think you are wrong, you are wrong. · give the customer as much space as possible (always operate without interference). · speak when you speak unless you need to convey the necessary orders to the customer. · silence is golden (know when to shut up). · don't lie, be honest and don't talk nonsense. · don't gossip. · don't "listen" to private conversation. · implementing "no news" is "good news" Policy. · be prepared, or you must always be ready to fail (it's important to plan ahead). · forward thinking - always one step ahead of the game. · time spent on reconnaissance is never a waste of time (guarantee) · always be ready to communicate, negotiate and compromise. · always practice understanding self-confidence. · if customers are late, they will be late (important factors to note, who must be notified?) · be assertive and decisive. · be prepared to justify decisions regularly and be prepared to record all decisions. · no rude jokes or inappropriate humor. · don't lose your temper because you lose argument immediately every time. · avoid the trap of being too familiar (this happens too often) · always maintain a professional relationship with the customer. · strong IT skills (any professional will record his day in the form of reports and fees, which the customer and its management may ask you to provide). · don't drink on duty (this usually happens in the trap of over familiarity). Awareness of the situation - in some variables (e.g. time or scheduled event) After changes, the perception of environmental elements and events relative to time or space, the understanding of their meaning and the prediction of their state. Perception, understanding and prediction when the bodyguard has mastered these areas of situational awareness, you will have the skills needed to truly make phrases a skill and make skills operational. Insight can perceive and interact with the environment in the most basic way The status, attributes and dynamics of the situation related to the element. In layman's words, this is where the process of monitoring, clue detection and simple identification of situational elements such as personnel, location, conditions and actions play a role. Here, the bodyguard must be able to perceive threats by monitoring the surrounding environment and monitoring the environment, develop prompt detection skills or what someone may take to prevent you Action of meaning. And your understanding of that clue and what that clue tells you about the elements you were surrounded at that time. This involves the process of pattern recognition, interpretation and evaluation. Therefore, by combining it with perception, you will now learn to interpret and understand the information you see and understand how it affects your goals. So now you are aware of the potential Can you identify the pattern being displayed (an angry person when others are happy) And explain the behavior and evaluate the behavior of the person. Projection is the highest level, which may also be the level that most bodyguards try to perform every day. This involves the ability to predict the future actions of elements in the environment. This will be people, places and things. This can only be achieved if your understanding of perception and projection is understood. Prediction requires a lot of practice and inferring information in time To determine the result or its operational impact on your environment is very important for us in this industry, your leaders and teams. If your prediction is wrong, you may cause great confusion to all relevant personnel. This is a key skill that must be practiced every day. Situational awareness is just that there is no appropriate basis and a thorough understanding of the basic composition of these terms Phrase. Consciousness is a choice; you must choose attention. Being able to distinguish between normal and abnormal is not innate; it needs practice because it is related to administrative protection. When you learn these technologies, try not to rely on the concentric ring of protection, and then evaluate the given situation. I mean, don't rely on the safe concentric ring, because it will lead you into the wrong situation Awareness, so as to reduce your efficiency. If we rely 100% on site safety or equipment safety, we will rely more on their effectiveness than our own effectiveness. This will be a mistake, not because they are not necessarily bad staff, but they are not as well-trained professionals as many of us. Before you adjust your skills Treat every disturbance as a potential threat until you are satisfied with the content of the information assessment and the information collected from them. If your attention is attracted by an event, conduct a quick assessment to quickly include all these steps, and then assess the rest of your environment to see what you are missing, if any . just as some industry leaders have demonstrated and continue to prove their mastery of these skills, their performance in some environments is only soft skills mastered over time. In the era we live in today and the threats we face as bodyguards, we can't be complacent. Therefore, if you hear experts use these terms again, I hope they can do the same How important it is to understand the basis of these words. Otherwise, situational awareness is just a phrase without practice, and it is useless without understanding. Finally, keep safe and healthy!

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Mobile phone:13020052213


Address:Wangpaidun bodyguard training base, Yangzhen District, Shunyi District, Beijing

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